Saturday, September 26, 2009

Colourful crabs plus an insect and a plant @ Chek Jawa

105th Discovery Posting:

Today, together with volunteers guides from Naked Hermit Crabs (NHC), we visited Chek Jawa for 2 purposes. The first purpose was to guide people who have signed up to join the Naked Hermit Crab monthly guided walk on the Chek Jawa boardwalk. The second was explore Chek Jawa for a short while after our visitors left. Side tracking a bit, for those who are interested to find out more about the monthly guided walks on the Chek Jawa boardwalk, please visit for information.

Anyway, during the guided walk and also our own exploration, we saw the really pretty and colourful fiddler crabs found alongside the boardwalk in the mangroves of Chek Jawa. My photos of them are not really clear as my camera possesses only a 3x optical zoom. I should get one with more optical zoom soon... anyway, here are some photos of them (pictures below).
During guiding, I came across this really well-camouflaged insect on a leaf. I have no idea what insect this is, probably someone can help me out? (picture below)And before our guided walk started (you can see that my order of photos are in a reverse chronological order...hehehe), we were looking at this plant and wondering what this plant is. I do remember that I have the ID of this plant somehow in my computer. After searching, I believe this plant is called Chassalia curviflora (picture below). More pictures of this plant can be found @

Well, that's about it for this post. I'm not going to feature all the things which I have seen during this trip as one, I did not take photos for everything and two, you can visit for a detailed blog entry for the walk.

Lastly, thanks to all my participants in my group who came for the walk and I hope you had a great time as me. =D

1 comment:

ts said...

Looks like a long-horned grasshopper?