Mini Study on Juvenile Knobby Sea Stars on Semakau:
Was tasked by Luan Keng to do this mini study (as above).
Objective of the mini study:
1. To record the growth rate of knobbly sea stars (Hopefully).
2. To record any interesting finds about the juvenile knobbly sea stars or even the 'adult' ones.
Date of sighting: 28 Oct 2007
1. Also known as the chocolate chip sea star, horned sea star, nodular sea star.
2. Scientific name: Protoreaster nodosus
3. Their diet consists of snails and clams (preferred), and also sponges, soft corals and other small creatures.
Close up shot of one of the arms of the juvenile knobby (picture below)
1. Two of its arms seem to have a close and similar length of about 4.5 cm
2. Its center core seem to share the close and similar length as the two arms measured.
Possible Follow up action:
1. Measure the lengths of all the arms and the center core of any juvenile knobby spotted the next time.
2. Do the same for any 'adult' knobbly too.
3. Capture close up shots of its tube feet if possible.
Recent October sightings of the Knobby Sea Star:
At Cyrene Reef:
1. Blog entry by Tidechaser, click here to read.
2. Blog entry by Kok Sheng, click here to read.
At Chek Jawa:
1. Study of Chek Jawa by Kok Sheng, click here to read.
Curious to read more about the Knobby Sea Star?
Check out its description on the online guide to Chek Jawa.
Call to readers:
1. If you spot any juvenile knobbly sea stars anywhere in Singapore, could you take some photos of it, take measurements of its arms and center core if possible?
2. After which, could you either put it on your blog or on flickr and just leave a comment on this entry to inform me of it.
3. I know this might be a lot of work for some. But take this as a mini study which we can all take up. You never know what we can find out.
4. I also welcome any comments/observations which may be of help to this mini study. Do keep things simple for me as i am not a biology student.
Thanks! =)
you might wanna contact chee kong as well. think he's doing some knobbly related stuff on the northern side of singapore.
Oh ya,
Thanks for the reminder! =)
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